Indigenous communities adapting to climate change

Indigenous Peoples and communities have vast knowledge of the land, especially their territories, and are often the first to experience the impacts of climate change. Indigenous Peoples have lived sustainably in their territories since time immemorial and have countless generations of knowledge regarding the healthy functioning of the ecological systems that sustain us.

There is incredible diversity of climate adaptation actions that Indigenous Peoples and communities are taking forward in BC. Some have reclaimed traditional burnings to clear underbrush and dead wood and in this way lessen the risk of intense wildfires. Others have focused on food sovereignty and ensuring that changing global food systems do not negatively impact their food supply, including access to Indigenous food systems. Still others have focused on building connections and resilience in order to strengthen community health and cohesiveness in unpredictable times. There are many further examples from all parts of the province.

Indigenous Peoples and communities are important leaders and collaborators in preparing for a changing climate in both rural and urban areas and must be an integral part of climate adaptation and low carbon resilience conversations.

The BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative has offered introductory workshops on climate change adaptation to and collaborated with Indigenous communities on regional climate preparedness workshops.