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If you didn’t find what you were looking for, try a new search!
Prepared Together: Disaster Preparedness Virtual Learning Series
Categories: Health, Engagement, Planning, Risk Assessment, Videos & Podcasts
Climate Insight
Categories: Infrastructure, Local Governments, Climate Projections, Implementation, Planning, Organizations/Initiatives, Tools
Toolkit for Youth on Adaptation & Leadership
Categories: Youth, Engagement, Implementation, Planning, Guides/Reports, Tools
Standards Research: Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation for Public Transit
Categories: Local Governments, Planning, Risk Assessment, Case Studies, Guides/Reports
Primer: Understanding and Accommodating Uncertainty in Climate Change Data
Categories: Health, Infrastructure, Engagement, Planning, Risk Assessment, Guides/Reports, Tools
Nature-based solutions for comprehensive disaster and climate risk management: Toolkit for integrated planning and implementation of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
Categories: Health, Infrastructure, Engagement, Planning, Risk Assessment, Guides/Reports, Tools
Healthy Buildings in a Changing Climate: Improving health with multi-unit residential building retrofits
Categories: Health, Infrastructure, Planning, Risk Assessment, Guides/Reports
Practice Guide for Advancing Climate Equity in Coastal Climate Change Adaptation Projects
Categories: Coastal Management and Flooding, Local Governments, Engagement, Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation, Planning, Case Studies, Guides/Reports, Tools
Nature-based infrastructure for coastal flood and erosion risk management: a Canadian design guide
Categories: Coastal Management and Flooding, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Infrastructure, Implementation, Planning, Guides/Reports
Innovations in data collection, monitoring, and analysis to advance local climate resilience in public spaces
Categories: Local Governments, Planning, Guides/Reports
Canada in a Changing Climate: For Our Future: Indigenous Resilience Report
Categories: Agriculture, Coastal Management and Flooding, Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Forests and Wildfires, Health, Indigenous, Infrastructure, Local Governments, Water Supply and Drought, Climate Projections, Implementation, Planning, Risk Assessment, Case Studies, Guides/Reports