Water on the Rise: Protecting Canadian Homes from the Growing Threat of Flooding
2019 – Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation
Residential basement flooding is on the rise across much of Canada. With an average price tag of $43,000 per flooded basement (Insurance Bureau of Canada, 2018), Canadian residents are increasingly seeking site-specific guidance to help them achieve practical, cost-effective means to reduce their household flood risk. This report outlines the key findings of the Home Flood Protection Program to date regarding practical best practices for basement flood protection educators and residents to reduce their flood risk. A key lesson learned from the program was that there are 10 top actions that can be completed to significantly reduce the risk of basement flooding for most homes. Many of these actions can be completed by residents themselves in less than 1 day, for under $250.
Go to resource: https://www.intactcentreclimateadaptation.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Home-Flood-Protection-Program-Report-1.pdf