The Adaptation Primers: Primer Three, Creating Resilient Communities
2018 – Colleen S.L, Mercer Clarke, and Alexander J. Clarke
The Adaptation Primers are a four-part manual that provides basic information on adaptation, one of the most complex challenges facing decision-makers in this first half of the 21st century. Primer Three summarizes opportunities to create resilient communities that integrate with their natural environment and promote well-being and sustainability for humans and ecosystems. Topics include: conserving our natural heritage, greening the landscape, updating public infrastructure, and stewarding culture and heritage. Perhaps the most important component of the Primers is the reference material provided for each Chapter. The resources cited are intended to deepen understanding, share experience and, ultimately, to provide inspiration for innovative approaches to policy, planning, and design. It is hoped that the Primers can aid decision-makers as they advocate the need for change and the positive potential of change.
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Keywords: Canada, Community adaptation planning, Ecosystems