Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer

2013 – Arlington Group Planning + Architecture Inc. and others for the Government of British Columbia

Coastal hazards associated with sea level rise include coastal inundation (flooding), reduced drainage capacity (due to higher groundwater levels), coastal erosion, changes to coastal habitats and loss of wetlands, such as salt marshes. The BC Ministry of Environment commissioned the Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer: A Toolkit to Build Adaptive Capacity on Canada’s South Coasts to help coastal management authorities — mainly local governments  — identify, evaluate and compare options for adapting to the impacts of sea level rise and associated coastal hazards. The Primer offers 21 adaptation tools: for planning, regulation, land use changes/restrictions and for structural (flood protection) and non-structural (soft armouring) works.

The project was funded through the BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC) in partnership with Atlantic RAC and Natural Resources Canada to investigate adaptation on Canada’s Pacific and Atlantic coasts.

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