Pollinator Assessment And Crop/Climate Analysis For Bulkley-Nechako And Fraser-Fort George
2022 – Climate Change Adaptation Program
A first of its kind project in the Bulkley-Nechako and Fraser-Fort George Regional Districts is collecting information on the types of pollinators present in agricultural crops and how these pollinators are being affected by climate change. The project is working with local producers over 2 years (2021, 2022) to collect pollinators on farms from Smithers to the Robson Valley and is using DNA barcoding to identify them. This research is being compiled into a “baseline dataset” of pollinator species present in the region. This dataset will support future research into how climate change is affecting the health and distribution of regional pollinators, and into farm practices that support pollinator health and resilience.
Along with the full report, a fact sheet was developed to answer your burning questions such as: what’s pollinating crops in BC’s central interior?, what are the most common pollinators in the region?, and how is climate change affecting pollinators? Also, the fact sheet has details on how your farm can support pollinators!
Go to resource: Pollinator Assessment And Crop/Climate Analysis For Bulkley-Nechako And Fraser-Fort George