Planning for Climate Change on the Coast: A Sea Level Rise Adaptation Primer (Webinar)
2014 — Fraser Basin Council
This webinar helps communities identify, evaluate and compare options for adapting to the impacts of sea level rise and associated coastal hazards. A total of 21 adaptation tools are outlined in the Primer, including planning tools, regulatory tools, land use change or restriction tools, structural tools (flood protection works) and non-structural tools (soft armouring).
This webinar was part of a 2013 series hosted by the Fraser Basin Council with support from Natural Resources Canada to showcase recent advances in local climate change information and tools that are tailored to the needs of BC local governments large and small.
- Thomas White, Manager Science and Adaptation — Climate Adaptation, Climate Action Secretariat, BC Ministry of Environment
- Graham Farstad, Director, The Arlington Group
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Keywords: British Columbia, Canada, Coastal mgt/sea level rise, Flood