Nagwediẑk’an gwaneŝ gangu ch’inidẑed ganexwilagh: The Fires Awakened Us
2017 – Tsilhqot’in National Government
Wildfires swept through the Tsilhqot’in territory in the summer of 2017. The fires illuminated the issues that plague the inclusion of First Nation value systems in government-to-government relationships. The Tsilhqot’in communities were significantly impacted by two of the largest wildfires: the Hanceville Fire and the Plateau Fire. These two fires encompassed approximately 761,000 hectares of land, which was 63% of the total area impacted in British Columbia.
This report outlines the experiences of Tsilhqot’in Nation and their member communities and shares Calls to Action for infrastructure, agreements, capacity development, economic stabilization measures and dedicated financial resources.
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