Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy Phase 1 Summary Report
2016 – Fraser Basin Council
Phase 1 of the Lower Mainland Flood Management Strategy (2014-2016) was completed in May 2016. Phase 1 included an analysis of Lower Mainland flood scenarios, a regional assessment of flood vulnerabilities, and a review of current flood protection works and practices.
The results show that there is significant risk of a large-magnitude flood in the Lower Mainland, and that the risk is projected to worsen over the next 85 years, both in terms of flood frequency and size, because of sea level rise and other projected impacts of climate change. If a major Fraser River or coastal flood were to occur between now and 2100, it would trigger losses estimated at $20 to 30 billion, which would be the largest disaster in Canadian history. Phase 1 shows the critical importance of a regional strategy and a major investment in flood mitigation. The costs of a major flood event far outweigh the costs associated with effective flood mitigation.
This is the Phase 1 Summary Report. For the full report and maps, please visit: https://www.fraserbasin.bc.ca/Phase_1_Results.html
Go to Resource: FBC_LMFMS_Phase_1_Report_Web_May_2016.pdf
Keywords: British Columbia, Flood