Lessons in Regional Resilience

Categories: Planning, Guides/Reports

2017 – Georgetown Climate Center

The Georgetown Climate Center’s report, Lessons in Regional Resilience, documents lessons learned from regional climate collaboratives, which are bringing together local governments and other stakeholders to coordinate climate change initiatives at a regional level.

These collaboratives help communities overcome the limited resources and technical capacity that many cities face and enables them to share resources, leverage expertise, and develop coordinated plans and policy solutions to foster resilience and reduce carbon pollution. While many collaboratives have experienced significant benefits of working regionally, many are still grappling with challenges of identifying the right stakeholders to engage and developing a funding model that can sustain the collaborative’s work over the longer term.

A synthesis report, Lessons in Regional Resilience, explores these themes while addressing the challenges and benefits of regional collaboration, drawing on illustrative examples from the individual case studies throughout. The report also discusses factors that might affect how regional collaboratives may evolve their organizational structures as they mature.  For example, the report explores how a collaborative’s organizational structure can affect its eligibility for different sources of federal funding.

This work was completed in partnership with the five collaboratives pursuing regional adaptation initiatives across California and coordinating through the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Adaptation (ARCCA) and with generous support from the Kresge Foundation.

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