Enhancing Weather Resiliency at Nyrstar, Myra Falls: A Mining Adaptation Case Study

2014 — Fraser Basin Council

The impacts of climate change – such as an increase in extreme weather events and long-term changes to temperature and precipitation patterns – pose challenges for Canada’s mining sector.

In 2013-2014 the Fraser Basin Council prepared several climate change adaptation case studies in the mining sector, in partnership with the Mining Innovation, Rehabilitation and Applied Research Corporation (MIRARCO) of Sudbury and its parent organization, the Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR).

This case study describes the efforts of one multinational mining and metals company – Nyrstar – to deal with weather-related challenges at its Myra Falls operation on Vancouver Island in British Columbia. It is anticipated that a synopsis of the experience will be of benefit to other mining companies in Canada.

The case study is made possible through funding from Natural Resources Canada’s Enhancing Competitiveness in a Changing Climate Program.

Go to Resource: Mining_Case_Study_Nyrstar

Keywords: British ColumbiaCanadaMining

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