Economic Tools for Climate Change Adaptation in the Real Estate Sector (Webinar)

2016 – Fraser Basin Council

BC’s real estate sector provides people with places to live and work. This webinar focuses on how real estate assets and infrastructure, which have a long life cycle, are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. It explores three stages in the real estate development process (land packaging, occupancy, and renovations and redevelopment) and explores barriers during each stage to decisions on climate change adaptation, as well as the possible economic instruments that governments in BC could use to overcome those barriers. The webinar is based on the “Economic Tools for Climate Change Adaptation: Private Real Estate Decisions” report, prepared by Dr. Richard Boyd and Jeff Zukiwsky of All One Sky Foundation in collaboration with Tim Pringle of Pringle Strategy Services.

This webinar is part of the BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative (BC RAC) webinar series.

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