Cariboo-Chilcotin Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

2011 – BC Regional Adaptation Collaborative

This strategy is the culmination of a 2 year long case study that is part of the British Columbia Regional Adaptation Collaborative (RAC). The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is initiating a Regional Development Strategy (RDS) in the near future, based on what is legally referred to as a Regional Growth Strategy (RGS). The RDS will take up to 5 years to develop, and the strategy will outline a plan for development looking forward over the next 20 years.

The strategy focuses on how the CRD, including its member municipalities, can effectively adapt to climate change. The strategy looks at the 30-70 year horizon, and uses a variety of quantitative climate change scenarios to assess future conditions to inform an adaptation strategy. The intent is to incorporate the strategy into the RDS as it is developed over the next few years. The strategy will help to apply a climate change adaptation lens at the beginning of the RDS process.

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