Buying Out the Floodplain: Recommendations for Strategic Relocation Programs in Canada
2023 – Partners for Action
Property buyout programs—which involve the relocation of high-risk neighbourhoods via the
government acquisition of property—are considered among the most effective forms of flood risk
management since they directly reduce exposure to flooding. But for local governments, buying
out property is expensive and takes away a source of tax revenue while for citizens, home
buyouts can be traumatic.
This report seeks to address a lack of understanding among Canadian local governments about the planning, implementation, and long-term effects of property buyout programs. It identifies three main challenges to the implementation of a buyout program and have noted various best-practices and proposals to mitigate those difficulties:
1) Cost efficiency (cost-benefit analysis)
2) Social acceptability (transparency, public engagement and equity)
3) Political feasibility (support among elected officials and influential stakeholders)
Go to resource: Buying Out the Floodplain: Recommendations for Strategic Relocation Programs in Canada