British Columbia Chapter of Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report

Categories: Planning, Guides/Reports

2022 – Natural Resources Canada

The Regional Perspectives Report provides an overview of climate change impacts and adaptation in Canada by region. It is part of the National Assessment Process, Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action, led by Natural Resources Canada, that assesses how and why Canada’s climate is changing; the impacts of these changes on our communities, environment and economy; and how we’re adapting across the country.

This chapter discusses climate change impacts and approaches to adaptation across British Columbia. The key messages from the Chapter are:

  • Key message 1: Indigenous Peoples in B.C. are experiencing and adapting to climate change
  • Key message 2: Climate change brings increasing flood risks
  • Key message 3: Climate change is impacting British Columbia’s forests
  • Key message 4: Building a climate-ready agriculture sector is critical
  • Key message 5: Adaptation continues to advance in B.C.

The Fraser Basin Council also hosted a release webinar for the BC Chapter on May 18, 2022. Visit the event page to view the webinar recording and slides.

Go to resource: British Columbia Chapter of Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report

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