BC Agriculture & Food Climate Action Initiative (Adaptation Risk & Opportunity Series)
2013 to 2018 – BC Agriculture Council
The BC Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Risk & Opportunity Series shows how changes to the climate may impact agricultural production in key regions of BC, and the risks and opportunities associated with these impacts. The reports include perspectives gathered from agricultural producers on climate impacts and the ability of the sector to adjust to these impacts. There are also suggested actions to develop approaches, tools and resources to better support a resilient sector in a changing climate. It is part of the BC Agriculture and Food Climate Adaptation Initiative.
Available titles:
Regional Adaptation Strategies
- Regional Adaptation Strategies: Cowichan
- Regional Adaptation Strategies: Delta
- Regional Adaptation Strategies: Peace
- Regional Adaptation Strategies: Cariboo
BC Agriculture Climate Change Adaptation Risk & Opportunity Series
- Provincial Report (Full and Executive Summary)
- Regional Snapshot: The Central Interior/Cattle Production
- Regional Snapshot: Fraser Valley and Metro Vancouver: Various Production
- Regional Snapshot: The Okanagan Region: Wine Grape and Tree Fruit
- Regional Snapshot: The Peace Region: Grain and Oilseed Production
- Regional Snapshot: Vancouver Island: Livestock and Horticultural Crops
BC Farm Practices and Climate Change Adaptation Series
- Conservation Tillage
- Drainage
- Management-Intensive Grazing
- Nutrient Management
- Shelterbelts
- Water Storage
- Summary Report & Additional Findings
Go to Resource: https://www.bcagclimateaction.ca/library/by-series/?series=regional-adaptation-strategies
Keywords: British Columbia, Canada, Climate change risks/impacts, Agriculture