City of Thunder Bay Adaptation Strategy

2015 – City of Thunder Bay

In Thunder Bay, severe storms, extreme rain events, and the extreme cold temperature experienced in recent years show that these types of impacts have the potential to affect all City Departments and can incur high costs to the community as a whole. The City of Thunder Bay opted to utilize ICLEI Canada’s internationally-recognized municipal planning process, the Building Adaptive & Resilient Communities (BARC) Five Milestone Framework, and tailor it to the City’s priorities to develop this Climate Adaptation Strategy. The City of Thunder Bay’s Climate Adaptation Strategy was approved by City Council on December 7, 2015. The Climate Adaptation Strategy works to address the impacts of climate change on a local level and is the result of more than two years of work, including consultations with over 170 people, including members of City Council, City managers and staff, key professionals and stakeholders, and EarthCare community partners.

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