Agriculture Water Demand Model: Reports for Various BC Watersheds

2010-2016 – BC Ministry of Agriculture and others

The Agriculture Water Demand Model was developed to provide information on current and future agriculture water demands for the Okanagan Basin in the context of rapid population growth, drought from climate change and overall increased water demand. The Model has also since been used in other BC watersheds.

The intent of the model is to help fulfil the province’s commitment under the Living Water Strategy to reserve water for agricultural lands. The model calculates water use on a property-by-property basis and sums each property to obtain a total for the entire basin or sub-basins. Crop, irrigation system type, soils and climate data are used to calculate the water demand. Lands within the Agriculture Land Reserve were included in the project.

The following reports are available from the BC Ministry of Agriculture:

Here also is a short video introducing the Model when it was a finalist for the 2009/2010 Premier’s Awards.

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