Advancing Adaptation Project
2023 – ICLEI Canada
Planning for a changing climate at the local level and implementing adaptation initiatives is challenging for many municipalities. In particular, smaller and rural municipalities often lack the resources, capacity and knowledge to assess impacts, develop plans, and implement action to prepare for a changing climate. Moreover, different municipalities and communities are at different levels of capacity and different stages of preparing for a changing climate. As a result, a one-size-fits-all approach to assisting municipalities as they prepare for climate change has limited utility.
The Advancing Adaptation project, led by ICLEI Canada, aimed to increase climate change resilience in communities in the Great Lakes watershed, regardless of their stage in the adaptation process. ICLEI worked with 27 Ontario municipalities in three project cohorts to build capacity around risk and vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, and implementation through collaboration over an 18-month period. The resources created as part of this project are included on this page and can be used by any municipality to help with their own adaptation efforts.
Go to resource: Advancing Adaptation Project