Advancing Adaptation Case Studies
2023 – ICLEI Canada
The 11 Ontario municipalities in the implementation cohort of the Advancing Adaptation Project designed and delivered climate change adaptation actions (which involved considerable community engagement) in their communities. Case studies were developed for each municipality. These showcase the approach used to plan and implement a range of adaptation actions and highlight challenges, successes, indicators, co-benefits, and key learnings. The case studies also include resources that can be used to implement similar actions in other communities.
The Advancing Adaptation project, led by ICLEI Canada, aimed to increase climate change resilience in communities in the Great Lakes watershed, regardless of their stage in the adaptation process. ICLEI worked with 27 Ontario municipalities in three project cohorts to build capacity around risk and vulnerability assessments, adaptation planning, and implementation through collaboration over an 18-month period.
- Naturalisation of a Stormwater Pond by the Community – Town of Caledon
- Strong Neighbours Initiative for Community Resilience – City of Greater Sudbury
- Interactive Virtual Resilient Home – Town of Halton Hills
- Addressing Extreme Heat in City Housing – City of Hamilton
- Neighbourhood Action to Enhance Shoreline Resilience – Township of Huron-Kinloss
- Building Strong Neighbours through Community Events – City of London
- Resilient Community Gardens – City of Mississauga
- Rain Garden Guidance Through Video Series – City of Peterborough
- Rain Gardens and Climate Change Workshop – City of Richmond Hill
- Enhancing Community Engagement Surrounding Stormwater Management – City of Thunder Bay
- Preparing for Extreme Weather Events – City of Windsor
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