Adapting to Climate Change in Prince George

2009 – City of Prince George

Adapting to climate change involves preparing a community to handle its effects. It means making Prince George resilient to further, unexpected events in the coming decades. Average temperatures in Prince George have increased in the past 90 years. Annual average temperatures are expected to go up by 1.9 to 3.7 degrees Celsius by 2050 and bring warmer winters and long, dry summers. Prince George is already experiencing the impacts of climate change in the form of more intense wildfire seasons, forest pest infestations, and less snow in the winter.

The purpose of this report is to outline the climate change adaptation priorities for the City of Prince George. The City has partnered with the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) to determine the priorities for adaptation in Prince George, and to begin to recommend actions and next steps towards implementation. This document is meant to be utilized as a basis to establish and implement long term strategies to adapt to climate change.

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