Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector: Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation

2016 – Braun, M. and Fournier, E. Report presented to Natural Resources Canada.

Weather and climate pose a constant threat to infrastructures and the delivery of sufficient and reliable energy to consumers and businesses. Over time, energy companies have built a considerable amount of expertise dealing with the variability of climate and its most extreme manifestations. Now climate change is shifting normal conditions and modifying the severity and frequency of extreme events.

This report presents eleven case study examples of actions taken by forward-looking energy companies around the world to adapt their operations or infrastructures to the changing climate. These adaptations take many forms, including structural upgrades, update of forecasting and operating rules, changes in asset management practices, and cover different sectors such as thermal generators, electric transmission, energy demand and hydropower. Each case study is based on interviews with project leaders, scientists or managers who championed the initiative.

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