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Thursday, November 24
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm PST

The Community Energy Association (CEA) and the BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council (BCMCLC) will host a webinar for locally elected officials on November 24. Hear about climate action resources and upcoming events from CEA and our friends at Climate Caucus 

This online meeting is for new and returning mayors, councillors, and electoral area directors looking to integrate climate action in their communities over the next term. Presentations and discussions will touch on the ways that climate action connects with key issues like affordability, economic development, equity, resilienceinfrastructure renewal, and air quality. The event will include short presentations and time for breakout discussions with your peers. 

Contact info: bcmclc@communityenergy.bc.ca and 604-628-7076 ext. 713 . 

Register for this webinar here! 


November 24, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Event Category: