2022 Livable Cities Forum
October 3, 2022 @ 8:00 am - October 5, 2022 @ 5:00 pm
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Victoria, BC
Theme: Conversations for an inclusive future
The 2022 Livable Cities Forum, hosted by the City of Victoria in partnership with ICLEI Canada and the Canadian Urban Institute, will focus on equity and climate action.
This forum will look at important synergies between efforts to address social vulnerabilities exposed through the COVID-19 pandemic, and efforts to increase climate resilience and achieve net-zero in communities across Canada through an equity lens.
The range of program topics is intended to highlight the need to integrate equity and inclusion into action on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The program will overlap and interconnect these themes as they are weaved throughout two days of content.
Sessions are uniquely designed to go beyond presentation-style delivery, and include many interactive and engaging workshops, trainings, and discussion forums for more networking and hands-on learning opportunities.